Funeral FAQs

How do I book you to be a Celebrant at a funeral?

You can either contact me directly or ask your Funeral Director/Arranger to make the booking for you.  If the Funeral Director books me on your behalf then they will handle all the paperwork and payment for my services and incorporate this into your total bill.

How does the process work in preparing the details of the funeral service?

I will contact you to arrange an initial meeting either at your home or somewhere else where you are comfortable. When we meet, I will spend time with you and any family members who wish to be present. Our meeting typically lasts one to two hours, but there’s no need to rush or make final decisions during this time. I will listen to your stories and memories, which will help me create a service that truly reflects your loved one’s life.

What happens after the meeting?

After our meeting, I will use the information you’ve shared to craft a personalised service. I will send the eulogy to you for review and approval, and we can make adjustments as needed. We may also have follow-up phone calls or emails to finalise the details and ensure everything is just right.

What will we discuss?

A funeral service can be as simple or detailed as you wish. We will discuss various elements, including:

  • Music, readings, or poems you may want to include

  • Themes or special memories you’d like to highlight

  • Any cultural or religious traditions you wish to honour

Do I need to prepare anything for the meeting?

There’s no need to prepare anything in advance unless you feel comfortable doing so. Some families bring notes, while others prefer to share their memories during our conversation. If your loved one left specific instructions for their service, I will help incorporate those into our plans.