Naming and Adoption Ceremonies FAQs
What is the difference between a Christening and a Naming Ceremony?
A Christening is a religious ceremony, typically held in a church, where a child is baptised and welcomed into the Christian faith. A naming ceremony, on the other hand, is a non-religious celebration which can be held almost anywhere.
A baby naming ceremony carried out by a Civil Celebrant is very similar to that of a Christening as ultimately the purpose is to officially give a baby their name, to make that name known to all their friends and family and to celebrate their arrival. In addition, the parents and guideparents (the non-religious term for god-parents) make their promises to care for, support and nurture the child through their interactions, what they say and what they do and to set an example through their attitudes and behaviours with other people too.
The main difference in having a Civil Celebrant led Baby Naming Ceremony is that the parents have full control over what is said and done during the ceremony. I as your Celebrant am there to guide, advise and make suggestions on the content of the ceremony but the parents can write their own words of promises and those of the guideparents. They can choose readings or poems and involve other family members in the ceremony and it can still include religious elements if they wish.
Where can a Naming Ceremony take place?
The answer to this question is just about anywhere! You have the freedom to choose your favourite spot. It could be on the beach, in a woodland, in a park or even in your back garden! You really can have your ceremony anywhere you choose and that means something to you and your family.
Who writes and decides on the content of our Naming Ceremony?
This is completely up to you. I will spend time getting to know you as a family and the difference welcoming your child into your lives has made. I can help you as much or as little as you want in the writing of the promises you and the Guideparents will make and the content of your ceremony.
A Naming Ceremony would usually open with words of welcome and a bit about your child's story of coming into the world, then we may have a poem, reading and/or ritual and this will then be followed by the promises made by the parents and Guideparents. I will then officially name and welcome your child into the family and present you with a naming certificate to remember the day. I will also provide you with a full copy of the ceremony as a beautiful keepsake.
Can we involve other people and rituals in our ceremony?
Absolutely! You can have friends or family members doing readings, poems or even performing music. I will work closely with them to ensure that everything runs smoothly on the day.
Rituals are a great way to add some individuality to your Naming Ceremony and I can offer lots of suitable suggestions such as sand ceremonies, lighting of candles or creating a memory box.
How does the process of planning the content of the Naming Ceremony work?
We will have an initial no-obligation consultation where we can start to discuss your plans and ideas for your ceremony and you can decide if I am the right celebrant for you. This can be in person if you live locally to me or online if you live further afield.
Once you book me I will then send you a questionnaire to help me learn more about your child and the family and for you capture what you want to be included in the ceremony. We will then meet again to go through your questionnaire and begin to plan the details.
I will then write the ceremony based on your responses and provide you with a copy at least one month before the ceremony so that you have the opportunity to make any final changes.
On the day itself I will be at the venue in plenty of time to meet and liaise with your host, to check-in with anyone who is taking part in the ceremony and to meet and greet your guests.